Reserve Your Beef: Side of Beef


Only 1 left in stock



Our customers have the option to purchase bulk beef (quarter, side, or whole beef) on the hoof (a live animal) and customize the cuts to your preference.

$250 nonrefundable deposit is required for a SIDE OF BEEF; the total price you pay for the animal (excluding processing costs) is based on the final live weight of the animal prior to the delivery to the processor. Please note: Each animal varies in size. Overall price is determined by total weight; however, price per pound is the same. 
We will deliver the live animal to a state-inspected processing facility in Comanche, TX. You will work the processor to pick your cuts from their cut sheet. Customer is responsible for picking up the beef from the processing facility. Customer will pay the processing fees directly to the processer when the beef is picked up.  

Our cattle are pasture raised and finished, with 24/7 access to free-choice mineral, protein, and energy supplements 
No preventative antibiotics or added hormones
Processed in a state-inspected facility
Frozen and vacuum-sealed packaging


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